
First OTB Tournament: any suggestion?

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@RIVERA_Joselito said in #6:
> Be prepared to lose almost all of your games. Otb tournament players plays very well compared to internet players.
you make the problem worse
@TheKingClash said in #5:
> Over the board less players will fall for simple tactics, so you probably have to use chess strategy to outperform your opponent. The best chess strategy is a long term plan. Look at your opponent's pawn weaknesses and decide how to take advantage of them. Look at your pawn chains and decide where to attack. Often you should attack in the direction of your pawn chain. Look at all your pieces, decide which piece or pieces needs improving. Regarding material, if you are ahead in material swap pieces off, but not pawns, whilst if you are behind on material, swap pawns, not pieces. Finally and most importantly, king safety. Is your opponent's king exposed? Did he move pawns in front of his king and made easy targets for a pawnstorm? A long term plan is where every element of strategic chess comes together.

Thank you man, really helpful suggestions!

@Walter_von_Entferndt said in #7:
> Don't forget to bring a bottle of water & 1-2 bananas & snack. In the last rounds, you may have long games.

Thanks, you're 100% right!!
make sure you play a level higher than your usual play on online platforms . also use some time to invest calculations . take a chess personality test now : = take the quiz button
Bring a pen, and make sure you know how to write down your and your opponents moves. That's something online chess sites will do for you, but it's something you are required to do yourself when playing OTB.
contrary to most advise, don't drink energy drinks! They will give you too much energy during the game, not to mention the crash at the end. Instead, water should do just fine. Briefly review your openings before the tournament and warm up with some tactics. Try to tune out distractions. Good luck!
You will also very likely notice that the two most common disturbances are "Sch!" & "Ruhe im Spielsaal!". Just don't do it. When you feel disturbed, don't disturb yourself. :)
@Abigail-III said in #17:
> Bring a pen, and make sure you know how to write down your and your opponents moves. That's something online chess sites will do for you, but it's something you are required to do yourself when playing OTB.

Thank you, i'm trying at home in order to learn how to do it properly

@RJblue said in #18:
> contrary to most advise, don't drink energy drinks! They will give you too much energy during the game, not to mention the crash at the end. Instead, water should do just fine. Briefly review your openings before the tournament and warm up with some tactics. Try to tune out distractions. Good luck!

I was not going to drink energy coffee ;) But thanks for the warm-up advise!

@Walter_von_Entferndt said in #19:
> You will also very likely notice that the two most common disturbances are "Sch!" & "Ruhe im Spielsaal!". Just don't do it. When you feel disturbed, don't disturb yourself. :)

Yeah probably it will be quite noisy due to the fact that lots of player will participate and the event will take place in a gym. I will do my best to concentrate during the game ;)

Last but not least: what to do during the break between the games? chill, relax, have a walk?

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