
Fast games are counterproductive for low-rated players

ill be honest for beginners long games are much better to learn.

but I still prefer short games.
Well I'm actually slowly chipping away at the times I use..I never felt comfie without at least 30 min now I'm in the teens with 10 sec increments :=) Getting there...
I always make mistakes due to time factor, which would not happen otherwise. :( so no luck for me in the time restricted format.

but, I love playing in this format, as it involves quick thinking. So, how much should I care about my ELO? What importance does it have? What does it exactly mean to be a zero ELO player? I mean I am
planning to lose all my ELO points.. =)
Slow games are definitely the best way to learn chess, I totally agree.

DK, what happens if you lose all your (server) ELO points? That simply means that you lose all the games you play, and just think how frustrating and upsetting it would be to be continually beaten day
after day after day...

Also taking responsibility for one's blunders and mistakes is the starting point of progress in chess and in life.
Blitz players, as you do, can always put the blame on time control when they miss tactics, drop pieces and lose games.
In fact, I'm pretty sure all the mistakes you make in your 5 minutes games, you will also make them in longer time control.

I know that i've been there, playing mostly 10 minutes and less chess over the last couple of years, and the result was that despite my efforts the improvement in my game was minimal. I went to a
chess club a couple of time just to test myself and lost all my games there except one.

These were played without time control, so I couldn't put the blame on time pressure. I had to admit my limitations. It helped me in giving me a precise idea of what I needed to improve. Since, I
found out that a daily routine of practising tactics and going through a couple of classic games show me concepts and give me ideas that I can then test and "research" playing long time control.
No need to say that I have been making steady progress recently, even if i'm far from where I want to be.

So I know this post has been going on forever but just this last thought: Chess is most fun when you're winning your games!
Hear that!

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