
Dubious chess rules

Chess rules say we are not permitted to use two hands to move a piece. We cannot take back a chess piece once played.
This is very hard to enforce on-line. If we cannot apply them on line why is it getting applied OTB?

Move confirmation does help reduce mouse slips. We just use the mouse to move and confirm by pressing the enter key.
It helps to see a piece in place before pressing the clock. Some times we have second thoughts and take it back and move a different piece. So online we get to take it back because the clock was not pressed. If this was possible OTB, the blitz games would be different. Players would have to wait until the clock is pressed to play their move.

If the opponent did not see you move the piece, then you did not distract or show your plan. Even if the player is not sitting in front of the OTB chessboard, we are still not permitted to take back the move played. So why are we permitting this online?
Are these OTB rules just too out dated or just to complicated to enforce on line ?

If the clock controls the move, then why do some players OTB move a piece before the opponent gets the chance to press their clock? Maybe OTB touch rules really need to catch-up to the times. The clock is the boss, that confirms when it's your turn to play.

With on-line chess, we are actually able to break at least 3 OTB chess rules:
1. Someone else is pressing our clock;
2. We can take back a move and not be forced to play that piece touched;
3. We can use two hands.

Are there more rules that are not applied on-line?
You can't take back a move if you are playing anyone who toggles that option to "off." I think it should be off by default.
Even if a player does not permit take backs, the opponent using confirm moves can take back their move without you knowing. As long as they do not press confirm move by making the clock change sides, they can take back all day long. Try the confirm move feature. One hand on the mouse and one on the enter key.
Move confirmation: Multiple choices. It says it can be disabled during a game with the board menu. But I don't see it anywhere except in the preference settings. Too bad there is not short cut to disable it, like a switch.
4. On line chess moves are automatically recorded so the 30 seconds of increment time is not required on line, yet it still exists.
The 30 seconds was to permit time to write down the moves without affecting the pondering time of chess.
30 second increment is not to allow keepin score sheet. there is rule that if increment is 30 s or more score sheet must be kept. Increment is there to solve problems related to guillotine end. Besides no rule says increment should be 30 seconds. In perfectyl use 0, 20, 30, 40 as organizer sees it fit.

And definitely we do not want take stuff into OTB. Only reason you can take back is if you make illegal move before pressing the clock.

Online is just slightly different game. In my opinion is should have touch rule i.e once you click piece you must move that. And take back shoudl not exist. Also move confirmation should exist only in correspondence. Placing piece and looking at board is bad practice. But it is not usable in blitz anyway which the most played chess version online
I use confirm move in bullet and blitz. With two hands it's as fast as having it automatic.
Online once you make a move you can't take it back. I don't understand what this thread is about.
Increment time was adopted to avoid flagging won games. The 30 seconds gave enough time to write your moves even to the last seconds of the end game. When we are given 30 seconds per move, you most write down all your moves, even if your clock is less than 5 minutes. If you have less than 30 seconds per move, then that rule of less than 5 minutes applies and you no longer have to write down your moves, but someone else must do it for you. So 30 seconds on the internet is not needed. We do not write down our moves on the internet.
Are there more OTB chess rules that are not applied on-line? It helps reading the posts.
Another rule that does not apply online...
Page 13 Quickplay 10.2 ...less than two minutes left on his clock, he may claim a draw before his flag falls...

Imagine a button that claims a draw, because we are under 2 minutes. The engines starts and analyzes the game to make the call. Could be adopted to games played using chess engines or bots.

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