
Does Kb should be illegal?

Should cars be Illegal?!

they move way faster than our horses this is unfair right?
@TackoFall playing with lag was never an advantage. Only people who have never played with lag say that, playing without it is always better.
@tauktus are planes allowed in highways?
@TackoFall youre 2400 what are you talking about, youre bragging about ratings when you have nothing, at least brag about your infamous title, not 2400 in lichess bullet, don't be ridiculous
All of you have never experienced lag, it never gives you time you didn't lose in the first place, and sometimes lag cut off time you don't even used. I challenge you to play with a laggy connection before talking like ass
@TAUTKUS I'll change my example for your understanding, is an F1 car allowed in city streets? Your argument just falls. And as a player you are pretty bad you only know to make bad premoves and using kb. So you better shut up

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