
Does above 96% accuracy means he or she is cheating??

Depends on the game. If someone blunder bishop/ knight/ rook/ queen in early game, his/her opponent will get very good accuracy.
Not necessarily. I've gotten 96% before even without early game blunders
@Krisha2813 said in #4:
> this game?

No not this, this oniy 95% accuracy but in some games my opponent have played in a 96%,97% or 98%.

Anybody ever faced this?
@Vijay25krishna If you're looking for circumstantial answer, made of not plain assumptions, you'd need to collect 500+ GM-level PGNs with the highest reachable accuracies of 100, 99, 98, 97, 96 & 95% for the lenghiest amounts of moves, for ** every ** point-of-interest time control (even if it differs by 1 second).

Otherwise, there's not enough statistical grounding to base all such suppositions on.
Sometimes it happens , it just works out for you or your opponent , doesn't mean cheating , 0, 0,,0 ,8 acpl ,98% accuracy
Let your suspicions be aroused (but no more than that - then report and let the experts decide!) if you see one or preferably several highly tactical games of good length with wild complex lines (not just positional manoeuvring) where a player scores high accuracy.

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