
Do you think Ian has any chance, seriously?

Dude Carlsen defeat Neponmiachtchi in Norway chess 2021.So Carlsen will win
@meeeep said in #9:
> The probability computed was 24% chance to win without dropping a single game, which is a bigger ask.
> The probability that Nepomniachtchi wins outright in the classical segment can be computed by expanding (0.1 + 0.7X + 0.2X^2)^14 and summing all the coefficients greater than 14. (This simulates 1 point for a draw and 2 points for a win, >= 15 points needed for an outright win).

Ah, someone who actually knows what they're doing. I had the inkling that I wasn't accounting for 2 wins + 1 loss, 3 wins + 2 losses, etc., but I didn't know how to express it. Thank you for spelling it out, very instructional.

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