
Ding Liren is actually eliminated

After round 13 everybody says Ding could still win.
However, if he wins and Caruana loses, he loses the tie-breaker on number of wins. Even with a three-way tie (if Mame draws too) Caruana has the tie-breaker on number of wins with both.

Hence, there is no way for Ding to win candidates.
Please correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems Ding is eliminated.
In the case you're talking about the three-way tie is split by the head-to-head score.

Ding has +1 among the three, Mamedyarov has -1, and Caruana is even.

This is the reason why Caruana wins if Mamedyarov losses. In two way tiebreak, it goes to # of wins (since Caruana and Ding are even head-to-head). In three-way, the tiebreak is decisive with the head-to-head score.
Oh I get it know. It's head-to-head "amongst the three".

He can still make it. If Grischuk beats Caruana, Kramnik draws Mame, and Ding beats Karjakin, then Ding wins. #NeverSayNever
Thanks for this thread. I was wondering if Ding could still win. Turns out there's a small chance.

Edit: so his chance is 1 in 27 possible combinations of round results, if you ignore the Aronian-So game.
If Ding wins ... that would be a fascinating result. (But, I'm pulling for Mamedyarov.)

Correct me if I'm wrong: Is Ding the first person from China to make the Candidates?
What happens if Mamedyarov wins and Caruana draws? They will have the same number of wins and draws. I don't know what the Sonneborn–Berger score would be.

In case Karjakin also wins, it seems Mamedyarov takes it, due to three-way head-to-head score. But what if Karjakin doesn't win in that scenario?
#6, I don't know, but would probably be the first ever player to win the candidates by winning two games. lol
The S/B score would depend on the results of the other games.

For example, Caruana beat So one game. The result of Aronian v. So would need to happen before the S/B could be determined for the whole of the tournament.

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