
Crush the London and come here to brag

The London is a reversed Slav which is one of the most venerable openings at all.
I learned a Gotham 'crush the London' vid, gave it a go, opponent fall for the trap, here goes:

I beat Carlsen's lawyer, rumors are his accountant is shaking in boots. sandals.
@Nisko1234 said in #22:
> I beat Carlsen's lawyer, rumors are his accountant is shaking in boots. sandals.
Wow! He must actually be agent of Carlsen to recruit good players. Seems like you would be soon meeting him!
I think the London is no joke, in order to answer it properly we need to watch games of the greats and analyze it, rather then seeing a Youtube video, so...

London System games

I watched some games, seems like a Benoni-style (=c5, not e5) K.I.D with a wink to a classical dragon is the answer against it.

The London players can bite as much as they want in the Stonewall system. They will loose their teeth
Show-off coming right up.

(P.S., I'm sorry, but I decided to take the London course with GM Liem Quang Le - London System is the better version of Queen's Gambit. Still, one can kick-ass against it with KID setup it seems. Besides, if GM Henley approves it, then it's good - this man is the 'scientist' of chess)

"No, it is chess who sucks at being me." - Nisko1234
"I never blundered, you must be hallucinating" - Nisko1234
Here you are, miniature,10 moves, 0-0-0, pas d'erreur trouvee, acpl 12. I don't mean to brag. My opponent was from north England, I guess, and not yet familiar with London. But I despise the London, so:
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