
Crazyhouse Milestone

Hello everyone,

Yesterday evening in the Monthly Crazyhouse Arena I reached 2100 rating. To me this represents a great achievement.

I knew crazyhouse through Atrophied's videos back in 2016 and since the very first moments it caught my interest. At first I was only watching him play because I used to think I would never be good at it.
One day I decided to try it out and played I think a game of 20 mins each, I don't even remember if I won or not, but I realized that the more I played it the more I was falling in love with it.
I am a very slow player who likes to think deeply during a game and try to find tactics. I'm not a theoretician even in chess, I like to discover new moves by myself. And because of that I don't play bullet in zh and this slowed me a lot in my climbing.

However with the coming of JannLee to lichess crazyhouse started becoming more and more popular, even with the help of sponsored tournaments like the Weekly, the BitChess and the Madness and new people were discovering this variant every day.
New players means more chances to win and I started getting more confidence reaching 1800 rating.

After a while FischyVishy started organizing leagues, tournaments and events for crazyhouse and that brought to lichess some other top players who were laying in the dark or just playing on other sites. The Summer League, just to mention one, was absolute fun.
Crazyhouse became one of the most loved variants on lichess and new players started to record or stream their gameplay.

In 2017 it was held the first Crazyhouse World Championship on lichess, which lasted for almost a year and saw the very best players in the world fight for the cup and the glory.
I was ranked 1750 and I was paired against tipau, who was a 2100, as you might imagine I lost 6-0 and my tournament was over but I gotta say it was fun and the sensation I was part of something important was great.
That year JannLee won against his most fearsome opponent TwelveTeen with a spectacular close score of 31.5-28.5!

One year later the second CWC saw such an increment in the number of participants that was needed a qualification tournament in order to enter in the final bracket. I played it and qualified. My average rating that time was 1950 and I was feeling little bit more confident than the previous year.
In 2018 I made it up to second round of losers bracket losing 7-3 against a 2100. I was very proud of myself for managing to beat them three times.
The 2018 edition was won by IM opperwezen against title defender JannLe in another close match ended 32.5-27.5.

Exactly one year ago, on May, 1st I reached for the first time 2000 rating after so, too many attempts. People on The House Discord (check it out) probably remember all the times I was announcing it and of course everytime I was 1990 I started losing games and dropped to 1850.
But that day I did it and I was feeling very happy because for me 2000 represents the jump from average to medium-high level in chess.

It is kind of funny to think that exactly one year later I made it to 2100. Someone might think one year for 100 points is excessive but for me was a journey. After 2000 I dropped to even below 1800 at some point and started feeling sad, but I never gave up and I can tell that 2019 was a more stable year for me; I've been a 1900 for such a long time until not too long ago something changed and I became more consistent and stayed in the 2000 more often.
The last two months I managed to increase my new record by few points everytime until in the April Shield I made it to 2087. Obviously everyday since then I thought it was only a matter of time before I dropped below 2000 again, but it didn't happen. And yesterday I did it, I became 2103.

I remember my Karate black belt exam of three years ago, my Master comes and tells me and my mates "Remember guys, black belt is not the end of the journey, but a new beginning". It is exactly how I am feeling right now. Now that I reached 2100 I have made something great, but the real challenge starts now.

Now, after this super long essay I would like to give my greetings and thanks to the people that helped the most during my journey:
@NikolasTheiss for making me discover and love this awesome variant;
@kylelegion for being so nice, patient and supportive to me;
@flourish for always cheering for me and being supportive
@fischyvishy for being the number one lover of chess variants. Thanks to you crazyhouse and the other variants became important and daily played.
@okei for reaching such a high rating and making me jealous and thus indirectly supporting me
@antic, @marlonc, @the-lone-wolf for indirectly being supportive
@JannLee for being the strongest, nicest, most precious crazyhouse player I've ever known. For your "I'm gonna throw in the towel" which shows huge respect to your opponents.
@opperwezen for being the new prodigy of this variant. With your deep will in the creation of new amazing lines and for your "opperwezen Endurance" which was absolutely fantastic.
@lichess for being the best chess site ever created. Thank you devs and mods for continuously updating and improving the site and making all this possible.
Thanks to all crazyhouse top players for fighting each other every day and keeping crazyhouse alive and kicking.
Lastly thanks to all the crazyhouse players that I have faced in my whole career because each one of you helped me improve.

Congratulations! I made 2100 immediately after making the Finding Weaknesses in Crazyhouse Openings video. I'm still no stronger than 2100 despite the recent spike. What helped me the most paradoxically is just standard chess puzzles to improve tactics recognition as well as making instructive content for others.
congrats :) That is soo cool you reached one of your goals :)
Thanks for sharing your story with the community Deadban!

My YouTube and twitch channels were started up with the vision of reaching as many new players as possible to share the joy of crazyhouse chess. It's just this type of story that makes it all worthwhile.

Keep playing and keep improving!

@Deadban Good job! Setting yourself reasonable goals often helps to get better. :)
congrats @Deadban you clear like zh very much and thats why i think you can improve more if you can keep the passion.
Thank you everyone, again!

@okei Yeah I have been playing chess puzzles recently and I have noticed that too.
@jamesog Thank you for reminding me that I need to update my profile.
@WinnerOleg Thank you, that's gonna be another long journey!
@IQ_QI I know right, I think 50-100 points at a time gives you the right motivation to keep playing and the more you play the more you improve.

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