
Computer bots playing chess

Why does this chess website give me computer bots as opponents whenever I reach a rating above 1900? I climb to a rating over 1900, and suddenly the site starts matching me exclusively with computer bots. Occasionally, I get a human opponent, but most of the time, it's these bots that bring my rating down below 1800. Then, around 1800, the cycle repeats: all humans, with the occasional bot.

How do I know they're bots? It's simple. The level of precision in their play and the specific, accurate combinations they use are simply impossible for humans around 1700 rating to execute consistently. And let me assure you, I'm not a weak player myself. You can see from my history that I frequently win against opponents rated over 2000.
You are not alone with this centipawn loss has dropped from 63.6 to high 40's and my accuracy has climbed from 69% to 76/77% and my rating has not improved.,,,over 15 months.
@iizuzetan Is this the bullet you're talking about? because you are playing bullet at the moment and no blitz for 1 year, if I understand correctly you are saying that the site cheats and lies to users by creating robots? strange...what specific purpose would that be? I don't think this is the case, it would require a lot of investment, the fact that the robot account is consistent, having a flag, a description of the profile, how long the robot plays and when it resumes because to be consistent this robot you have to take a break without playing but sometimes with 1 week without playing, then only one day if it takes a break every other day all the time it will be proof that it is a robot but it is not the case, there are also the cadences of the profile, all this proves that it is indeed a user who is playing and not a robot, then it cannot be cheating because most people do not cheat, like in real life Not everyone is a thief, so what would be the site's motive for doing this and for what purpose?

I've also wondered what's the point of the site providing computer bots as opponents if it claims to have hundreds of thousands of users. One logical reason might be that at some point, all people are busy and have their opponents, so to avoid waiting too long, you can play against bots. However, even that logic doesn't hold because when it starts giving me bots, it just keeps going, almost until my rating drops below 1800. And then, when it drops, it starts giving me human opponents again in most cases. That's why I stopped playing blitz games because I also had problems with very strong opponents whose rating wasn't high, so I thought they were using computers. I thought that in a time control of 2/1, people couldn't play that fast with the help of computers. And now I believe that's impossible for most, so the only explanation left is that they are computer bots. Again, I repeat, people with a rating of around 1700 can't possibly make consistently solid moves in a 2/1 time control. Because if they were making such solid moves continuously, they wouldn't have a rating of 1700, but over 2100. Because when it gives me people with a rating around 2000, they don't play that well.
<Comment deleted by user>
Rather than complain about it, use the block feature. Look at the player's history - the number and types of games, and whether the player has participated in tournaments. If it looks suspicious, block that player.

It would be interesting if this site published the number of times a particular player has been blocked by other players as additional information, or a list of blocked players from most to least.
Ha ha, I have over 500 blocked for his reason (suspected bot or cheat). And I report them and nothing happens. It's pretty consistent. I go on a tear, rating takes off, then run into a stone wall. game after game after game they all play at GM level and most of those I lose until the rating comes back down.
@TwoBillionSeconds said in #8:
> and whether the player has participated in tournaments
> What's the relevance of playing in tournaments?

Just one of a number of factors to give you some insight into a player.

As an example, I played a player who was rated about the same as I was. Looking into his history, the player had played in a tournament or in tournaments about 200 points higher and won points. Then his rating dropped several hundred points lower. IMHO, he played far above his rating. I can draw my own conclusions about what that means.
Bots= the chess gods , playing with you and you're rating.
Build you up, knock you down.
Hidden world

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