
CHESSBASE is waste of money :( lichess is best

i wasted so much money on chessbase 15 and mega database --- all the features of that is there in lichess i didnty know that :-
dont buy chessbase -- waste of money
The search possibilities on the lichess data base are limited and the number of games is limited as well.
chessgames is also free and better as a data base.
bruh there is online databes in chessbase which is FREE :- :_ and has more games then the --- 6000rs one which i wasted @tpr

lichess can save games in study and we can do al lot for free -- for my advise if ur planning to buy chessbase :( ;(((( DONT!!
Try to handle many databases with lichess...

ChessBase has been my most valuable tool for 30 years.
i mean chessbase 15 n mega database which we buy for money ------ thats waste of money better is lichess
Remember GM make their preparations in ChessBase not in lichess. If you follow GM's games then also follow their preparation style.
Lichess has only 2 M games. There is no distinction between correspondence, classical, rapid, blitz, bullet. There are no search possibilities for a player or a year. and are free as well and are better as a data base.
pls compare there computer to my cmputer they will have some super computer and i am struggline here with core i3 2gen :(((((( from my site lichess is way better ---@immatureguy
bro i use pentium silver but everything i know, i know from chessbase

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