
chess training

Hello, I am giving chess lessons by Skype.

My students have good results.
Bro, are you serious?!

You've only played 5 games on here and your rating is 1494.
Lessons in what?

PS: Looked at some of your games, a couple of them have a 3-digit ACPL...
i am not see a computer, while playing. Have not idea what is ACPL. And stop write bad things in my forum.
Bro. Your name is Ester. That's an asian girl's name. Do you practice by solving the mate in one captcha?
Ester sounds more Western (Hebrew) than Asian to me.

In any case, ACPL = average centi-pawn loss = how the engine measures the quality of your play, with zero equalling a perfect game. 100+ is .. not good.
What level do you think is needed on Lichess to offer lessons to others and to be taken seriously?

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