
Chess Revenue

Wondering how the Chess community feels about monetizing their skill. I'm not a pro but I feel I could battle some players within my rating and beat them earning decent rewards.

If I can play within my risk tolerance, let's say each match $1, then I have incentives to become better, pursue a career in chess, and support the training to get better. Wouldn't that be great?
Lichess hosts tournaments with a prize pool, but Lichess does not participate in the organization of these tournaments and does not guarantee fair play and timely payment of prizes.
Если вы говорите по-русски, то легко найдете информацию об этих турнирах.
yeah but let's say I don't want to wait, I want an instant match, in which I deposit 1 USD, the other player too and the winner takes the prize. Wouldn't be a good revenue for players of all categories?
Everyone can see that in total the players wouldn't make money.
@sheckley666 said in #6:
> Everyone can see that in total the players wouldn't make money.

If player x invests $1 in his match vs player y who invests also $1, then the winner takes all. How does the winning player not make money?
@holybadger I'm not sure if I understand you right, but what you describe somehow goes into gambling/casino direction, which then gets complicated because (inter)national law(s) - and dont forget, lots of kids are playing here, too...

Have fun!
if wanna gamble there are better games for that. Like poker,bridge, backgammon etc.
Besides it would be very tedious to settle the money transfers. such money play would have happen on platform where customers deposit money and site running the service gets a slice. and such services do exist and you can google them. No one is silly enough to play for money online. cheating woudl sky rocket in such a case

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