
Chess is an unfair flawed nefarious game that only addicted villains choose to play indefinitely

This is a last post that I want to leave behind to tie loose ends and achieve some sort of closure, and perhaps convince others to quit this wicked game. I have been in abusive relationship with Chess for over a decade and only now I feel truly enlightened--this game might be the worst thing that happened in my entire life. I would go so far to put chess addiction up with gambling, alchohol, and porn addictions, and I think it might have a worse effect on a person's self-esteem than all thre- ok may be except the last one.

1. Chess doesn't award consistency. You can play 39 out of 40 best/good/decent moves, defend against all your opponent's threats, actually formulate a strategy while your opponents reacts passively, and 1 blunder would cost you the entire game immediately. That would bring you the exact same result as someone who blunders his queen on the first few moves.

2. Stalemates don't make any sense, and anybody who says otherwise is lying to himself. Simply put, it makes two players equal even when one has achieved an objectively better end result.

Common rebuttal: You're just bitter because you blundered games like that...

True, but that's still beside the point. The fact remains that chess awards people in dubious metrics. Which is understandable because that's the way chess was created and developed. It's an unfair and more importantly flawed game at its core.

Come to my last and most important point, and perhaps my biggest reason why I quit the game. Chess is evil. Yeah, I'm not exaggerating or being dramatic here, I'm 100% serious. I would go so far as to say it's Satan's incarnate in board games. Now I realize that a chess addict reading my post would just laugh and say it's me projecting my own failures, but it's in fact the universal truth. There's no point in chess from a spiritual perspective. It brings more harm than good. All chess players go through tilts after their mistakes, and don't give the crap about "learn from your mistakes" because it's impossible to avoid them all the time. They will always remain part of your game no matter how hard you try. Chess is a game designed to remind you of your shortcomings and the inadequacy of your creative intellect. Whether you're the World Champion or a lowly 1400 like me, that reminder will hit you all the same. It's a satanic game mainly based on one of the 7 deadly sins; Gluttony. A 1400 becoming 1800 would not feel accomplished, since his win to lose ratio will always remain consistent, and even if you reached the top, aka becoming the next Carlsen, every defeat will only weigh harder, bringing more misery, self doubt and contempt along the way. It's perfectly balanced devil artifact in a sense that will inflict a proportionate amount of harm no matter how much time you spent learning to handle it.

Chess is objectively a nefarious game, from spiritual and objective point of views. Do your self a favor and practice real sports instead.
"Nefarious" I'm going to use that in the forum word game. That word increases my vocabulary. Thanks :]
I'm sorry to read about your frustration with the game, @braiknight . I think I understand where you're coming from with this rant, for I've suffered more than I should in the past, calling myself unspeakable names and wanting to hit people and things alike.

But chess is not to blame.

If you are a bit like me, what you is a system. A method. A set of rules to follow with a lot of discipline. Something along the lines of:

1. Don't play when you are tired. Play early in the morning, or during weekends. You might not feel tired, but after hours of work or study the human mind gets tired. There is no way around it.
2. Don't play if you are hungry or, thirsty. This one is easy to fix.
3. Don't play if you are upset. If you are cross, or very sad, stay away from the board.
4. If you start playing and win, enjoy it. Feel accomplished.
5. If you lose twice in a row, stop playing for a few hours. Then try again, considering the previous four points.

One more thing: if you want the ratio of won vs lost games to increase, you have to study.

1. Review your own games as soon as they are finished.
2. Review famous games. Search for @agadmator in youtube and follow him.
3. Study openings. Choose two or three that you feel comfortable playing, for each colour.
4. Use the analysis tools that this site gives you.

Don't succumb to your passion. Keep cool. Improve yourself.

My 2 cents.
"Of Chess it has been said that life is not long enough for it, but that is the fault of life, not Chess". - I. Chernev - "The Bright Side of Chess" :]

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