
Chess improves math skills, is it true or false?

@Alientcp said in #10:
> You cannot improve your math skills with chess.
> Chess can improve your spacial memory, because you are actively training that part of your brain, but that training affect your overall mental capacity. But I can assure you, you are not improving your math skills/knowledge. At most, you are maintaining them by maintaining your brain active.
> If you study math, you are also actively training spacial memory. But your chess skills are not getting better. At most, maintaining them by maintaining your brain active.
> If you want to get better at math, you better study math. You are not passing any math exams if you waste the time playing chess.

I approximate that you care little for the lives of the average working man.
@heallan said in #11:
> I approximate that you care little for the lives of the average working man.

I think that you want a pretext for not studying math. And sure, I dont care if you fail the exam, but im not gonna provide arguments for your pretext. Its just not true.
@Alientcp said in #12:
> I think that you want a pretext for not studying math. And sure, I dont care if you fail the exam, but im not gonna provide arguments for your pretext. Its just not true.

I can't do simultaneous equations, crucify me.
@heallan said in #13:
> I can't do simultaneous equations, crucify me.
Well, a good advice is to practice math, not chess. That should help you.
The obvious answer is, of course, false. It’s as easy to understand as 1+1=3.
@HerkyHawkeye said in #17:
> The obvious answer is, of course, false. It’s as easy to understand as 1+1=3.

That sounds a bit rude.

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