
Cheating detection in a Casual tournament game

So I was gonna host a tournament for a club but some people recommended it to be casual as a lot of players have new accounts and low ratings so the matching could make some of the players lose a lot of rating. There are prizes involved so I'm worried that a casual game wont have any cheating detection in it unlike rated ones. Should I go for a rated game or do casual game has the same cheat detections?
If you lose against a new account with an unestablished rating, you won't lose a lot of points anyway. And it shouldn't be possible to really stay on a widely lower rating for long anyway unless intentionally sandbagging.
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If you have prizes, then follow the official recommendations and do it rated.
@benwerner said in #3:
> If you lose against a new account with an unestablished rating, you won't lose a lot of points anyway. And it shouldn't be possible to really stay on a widely lower rating for long anyway unless intentionally sandbagging.

That's good to hear then. So casual game has no cheat detection I'm assuming? Then I'll go with a rated one then. And btw, how do I know if someone do cheats? Is it shown or are they automatically removed from the tourn?
Technically, you'll never know for certain whether somebody cheated since that's private information but you'll see when an account got closed or has a ToS violation on their account. Depending on the circumstances, they may also be removed from the tournament automatically. I believe at least in arena tournaments, this should usually be the case. In swiss, I think it only happens when they get marked during the tournament.

And as the page glbert linked explains, you should wait 48h after the tournament before paying out prizes to make sure mods had enough time to look at anything less obvious.

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