
Cheat (and punishment)

I'm afraid he lose his time, because I closed his account.
I don't think newb was cheating, maybe just a good player posing as bad to ambush people.
i think swsx999 is still cheating... someone needs to verify
probably you are talking about the game

Ok, 16.b4 it's really a great move, difficult to spot it!
But why you didn't take the knight at 19?
You can drive your queen at c3 or c5 if she has troubles with rooks.
if i take the knight 19...axNb5 then i saw 20.Ra1 and now if 20...Qc3 i lose a rook by 21. Qxc3
and the problem i got with this game is the move 25.Nh5+ instead of 25.Nxd7+ (taking the queen).

25.Nh5+ is a very suspicious move
hmm... I don't know the remaining time and I don't know if he was under pressure.
If he wasn't, probably he knew that the game was to win and he just tried to find a quick conclusion, and in fact he found checkmate in 2 moves. Two moves aren't many enough to not see the checkmate.
It's just a thought.

I like your games! Strong player!
In the aforementioned game, 25. Nh5+ is a very, very, VERY suspicious move for someone ranked in the 1100's. lol

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