
Breaking the Silence

@sin_kills said in #388:
> "Well if you say it like this, there may be serious doubt about whether the earth is round or flat or whether there was ever an astronaut on the moon. Of course I don't know, because I wasn't on the moon myself. Dude, if you think about your line of argumentation, you are bringing yourself into an existential crisis. Maybe all existence is just a dream, but we should do according to our best knowledge and understanding and accept some information that we can't fully confirm, because we haven't been present to witness ourselves"

The difference is that there is evidence for the moon landing, the word of Nasa would have not been enough eg. Photographs, transmissions, electronic signatures, observations, stones and material from the moon which has not been exposed to post WW2 nuclear radiation, the USSR confirming it etc.... *So there is proof and it is sensible to believe it*

In a question of wheter to destroy someones life or not, there needs to be sufficient proof, this is the most fundamental basis of any legal system. If we lack sufficient evidence then we cannot hang someone, this is the second most important legal principle. Else, you have arbitrarily self justice. It is necessary to go to the police and let courts rule because the public is overall incapable, that's why courts were implemented in the first place, to have a functioning legal system... it is mad to assume it would be fair to hang ten guys and 2-3 might be innocent than to get 7-8 imprisoned but 2 get away for the time being, Miss Good-Evil...
Bravo, Lichess. This kind of misconduct - whether its the US Chess Federation or Catholic Church - always seems to involve stonewalling and cover-ups to avoid public shame as long as possible, rather than dealing with the matter directly and with proper respect and priority for the victims. Sure, innocent until proven guilty and all that but after investigations have shown with a preponderance of evidence that misconduct has occurred -- especially criminal misconduct -- it has to be dealt with and referred to law enforcement. Past and future potential victims deserve justice and perps deserve consequences.
I think crimes are priority of police and special government structures, not websites or communities.
Thank you so much Lichess. As someone who has experienced sexual assault myself, I'm incredibly thankful and relieved that you are trying to make chess a safe place and stand in solidarity with the victims/affected. This means a lot to me. Please keep up the good work and keep spreading awareness about this topic with the platform that you have. Believing victims is one of the most important measures to fight these things.

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