
Women's World Chess Championship: Half way done

Chinese people and Indians are good at chess.
Of course, they have billions of people.
Russia doesn’t have many.
Not to be rude but their play is a lot below than that of a 2500 male chess grandmaster...
@Volpina99 said in #38:
> Not to be rude but their play is a lot below than that of a 2500 male chess grandmaster...

A lot below? Olha só! Not to be rude, but at your rating can you really tell the difference in playing strength between 2500 rated female GMs and 2500 rated male GMs?
@kajalmaya said in #39:
> A lot below? Olha só! Not to be rude, but at your rating can you really tell the difference in playing strength between 2500 rated female GMs and 2500 rated male GMs?

I mean I have 2370 ranking in puzzles so I can probably formulate opinion and some moves are not GM level

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