
FIDE Picks Breast Implants as a Sponsor for Women's Chess

@Anarchism101 said in #138:
> Huh? Lots to unpack here, are you okay?
He's just trolling. Badly, since he's wasting a huge amount of time into typing something which isn't even decent bait, but still trolling.
Great initiative by FIDE! There is absolutely nothing wrong with this. Women have breasts and want to maintain it. Boys will be boys and girls will be girls.
99% of people who will read this will be immature guys. I'm OK with that.

1. secretly laugh
2. become "woke" and demand a resignation
3. ask for change and new rules
4. apologies.
5. then back to P***N and act like nothing happened, staring at women with implants.

the foundations stay that same in will own everything. everything.

i really don't understand how blatant idiots get in a position of power. I do hope all women boycott FIDE and make this a bigger story.
Um, hello sweaty? Is author a bigot? It's 2021 and seems like author hasn't heard about YOUR BODY YOUR CHOICE movement at all. What about women who got plastic surgery? Author says they are LESSER women than "natural" women? If you don't wanna be labeled a misogynist, yall should be happy with any mention of women in chess
I got Nigel Short to talk about Russian cars a few months ago in chess commentary. He said that he didn't know much about Russian cars; he liked Bentleighs.

I am confident that I could get Nigel to talk about this chess event sponsor.

Nigel Short: Our sponsor for this event is implants.
Almira Skripchenko: But what sort of Implants?
Nigel: Big, squishy implants.

This topic has brought out the worst in me.
@Vegemite_Fighter said in #159:
> I got Nigel Short to talk about Russian cars a few months ago in chess commentary. He said that he didn't know much about Russian cars; he liked Bentleighs.
> I am confident that I could get Nigel to talk about this chess event sponsor.
> Nigel Short: Our sponsor for this event is implants.
> Almira Skripchenko: But what sort of Implants?
> Nigel: Big, squishy implants.
> This topic has brought out the worst in me.

If you are going to reference Stripchenko, you need to include Daniil Dubov.
Does seem kinda sus but generally I agree with IM Paehtz on the issue.

Would you rather they reject a profitable sponsorship deal? I mean you know that the most popular soda brand pays for paramilitary organizations to threaten, torture, and.. "unalive" unions in latin america, right? And they sponsor basically anything that exists in terms of sporting events.

"The main thing is support for chess. For me personally, I am happy if we have any sponsor for women in chess, and as long as it's not something connected to gender, racism, or drugs, or anything else like that, I would generally support that sponsor." -IM Elisabeth Paehtz

THIS? This is nothing. I mean I will genuinely not dissuade the author from writing more articles viewing the chess world through a critical lens but I don't think this is close to a worthy hill to die on.

Or imagine another commentary team...

Jan Gustaffson: You had some unusual training methods when you won each Russian Championship?
Peter Svidler: Sometimes I did. I liked to vary my training. Sometimes, I even used implants.
Jan Gustaffson: Implants? Plants - they haven't helped my chess success.
Peter Svidler: well in my case my plants were not smoke able or chewable.
Jan Gustaffson: I guess that brings us to this event's sponsor.
Peter Svidler: I guess it does. [laughs]

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