
FIDE World Cup - Carlsen out of Final as Kosteniuk Wins Women’s

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Well, You can't expect Carlsen to still hang on as world champion for ever. I'm sure he himself thinks he deserves this break. My best compliments to Duda!
well GM magnus is removed from world cup its ok since magnus can never forever be the WORLD CHAMPION.
Wow! Well done, Duda. The highest Magnus can only get is now 3rd. I can't believe Magnus got knocked out!

Imagine Duda gets 2nd. You worked so hard to beat the world champion but then you get 2nd...
why didn't magnus even try to win he could've tried
hope he has better confidence next time!
for all those that say father time is catching up to Magnus. It really is irrelevant in chess as can be seen by the anonymous Bobby Fisher games. It is just tough in general to stay #1 regardless of your age. Everyone is studying his games finding weaknesses in his games. The man is goated for sure and now there is a power vacuum in chess that will make the next world cups to come that much more exciting. Magnus could come back and dominate once more or he could take a break for a while who knows but I am excited to see this finals match and look forward to future events.
At least Carlsen tried...
Anyways good job to all GMs!
Ouch Magnus u need anything like idk a band aid or an ice pack?

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