
You Don't Get to Know Who Won the Titled Arena, Sorry.

I think the best thing is to respect the gm's and other titled players to remain anonymous if they want to.
Yea what is the use of sending forums if you understood he is UnknownSuperGM or others
I think that it's a better fit to the spirit of lichess that people should be able to be anonymous if they please.

Congratulations Grey_parrot.
*casablanca clone to take revenge on alekhine resurrected clone
Neslracsungam77 is obviously magnus carlsen
How many accounts does he have?
Why do people care so much about the players' identity? For some reason the players decided to remain anonymous & we should respect that decision.

Forcing players to reveal their identity not only goes against everything lichess is supposed to be, but is also incredibly dumb as it will cause the players to either throw the last couple of games as to not achieve a high spot or not participate at all in order to avoid such headaches.
Titled players should be respected and if they want to be anonymous, that is fine.
The only currently active GM from Wales is Nigel Davies (FeegLood has a Wales flag) .
I would have thought that if a player was not fussed about his identity in an online forum than he would use his real name. After all, at the very least someone at Lichess knows who these accounts belong to because they have verified their titles.

As a reader, it makes no difference to me if you say GM Grey_parrot won the event or if you say GM Magnus Carlsen won it. If GM Grey_parrot wins many of these events it simply proves he's a strong player, one far better than those of us who read about who won. The actual identity of the winner certainly won't matter tomorrow! Were I the author of the piece I would stop being silly about use of the word "anonymous" and just use the player's username. The forum can speculate which actual player won if they so choose.

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