
Candidates 2020 - FIDE declares "safety is our priority"

The only problem I see is that FIDE has not restricted the press (as far as I know) if they do that. everything is just fine.
What is meaning of a statement " safety is our priority"..there is a clear evidence of health issues in all countries..This decision of conducting tournament in this situation shows ' EGO IS THEIR PRIORITY"
From Lombardy, Italy, the very center of the hardest hit European country, seeing the opening cerimony picture, with thousands of people gathered in a closed space, it just looks criminal.
*If* the candidates becomes a corona super-spreading event, then FIDE must be excluded from itself, because they have damaged the reputation of chess.
Maybe major sports networks will cover chess since all other sports have been cancelled. Could be a boost for chess. All sports should at least play in an empty arena. Are esports now being shown on the sports networks?
This is really horrible. When I noticed the games, I thought they somehow managed to run it online, or maybe 2 players and an arbiter with face masks in a small room. Seeing that they threw any safety measures out the window is really depressing. I always thought chess was a game for intelligent people, not for ducking morons (I mean the officials, I dont really blame players who got once-in-a-lifetime oportunity). People of Yekaterinburg ( and maybe even whole Russia) will pay for this nonsense with their lives. This will be a huge stain on reputation of chess.
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