
Invisible Pieces: Women in Chess

Bobby fischer was also anti-Semitic. He wasn't totally mentally okay. Chess is not a definition of smartness, it just has to do with memory and recognizing patterns. Besides women can be just as smart as men in all other aspects like astrology, math, biological sciences, physics etc. Any body who thinks women are not smart is just ignorant or sexist.
The fact that lichess started this idealism pushing onto their playing base pretty much means that they are already large enough to make a living with just half of the players they have as they have achieved sufficient funding Getting bigger, securing stronger players or funding is no longer an issue so now they can afford to push the leftist propaganda with minimal risk, of course this never happened when lichess was beginning and fighting about any players they can get.
Just compare Hou Yifan and Magnus Carlsen. That says it all. Women are not as good. They are better or even equal to men at many things but chess unfortunately is not one of them.
@BlueKing19 Yes, they are equal. A lot less women play chess. For example, Magnus could beat anyone in my city (chess-wise). Does that mean my city plays worse chess than men, Norwegians, or any other non-chess or intelligence-related group you could fit Magnus in? No.
It's no news to me that many male chess players see females as inferior, but that many high ranking FIDE officials continue being so toxic about females in chess shocks me. Variety among the chess players worldwide is highly beneficial to chess as a whole after all.

Here's hoping the future will bring improvement, but articles like this do show there's still a long way to go. I feel that the main reason for fewer female chess players is indeed a lack of motivation and support, caused by this outdated idea that chess is a man's sport.

I give a big thumbs up to anyone that enjoys this beautiful game, no matter their gender/age/nationality/ethnicity.
Girls who have a high immunity and know mathematics very well, when they play chess for the first time, they become a master on the 15th try.

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