
Grandmasters are overrated

The title sounded like one of those kids who make forum posts about how _____ is bad/overrated
Online chess is a different chess order. IM vs GM online games aren't affected much by psychology. OTB, still you can feel the dragon's breath of every GM. Anyway, kudos to the top 3.
It really good that Grandmasters are performing soo well! Last time even IMs Performed very well! Thanks to lichess and its awesome Titled tournaments!
Thanks guys! By the way, I think the title is a bit overrated. Although I am not a bad player, I am still an IM, and GM still remains the highest level of chess. I surely got lucky along the way too. Whatever it is, thanks for the event, and I am really appreciated!
Year 1559 was a common year starting on Sunday of the Julian calendar.
Also, when a fresh bot account is made, they also minimum have a rating of 1800 and go up 2300.
Congrats to all the titled players!
Specially to @mutdpro .
I think if it could be that one day , you will be a GM . ☺️ . I'm not saying that IM is also not a good title but it is .
No! Don't say like that! You've proved that IM's are also better than GM's .

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