
Best chess youtuber for actual studying

I am not talking about stupid roost videos like the botez video where she refuses a proposal because he could not be a 2500 player in a week
I am talking about actual videos to learn different aspects of the game like openings, middle ge and endgame like Gotham chrss
Naroditsky is good. John Bartholomew. Robert Ramirez. Those are 3 of my favorites.
I’m still a relative beginner but am enjoying watching Alex Banzea or Chess Vibes on YouTube at the moment.
@borninthesixties said in #2:
> Naroditsky is good. John Bartholomew. Robert Ramirez. Those are 3 of my favorites.
Thanks I will watch them
It's pretty hard because endless variations on some general theme do not generally make for very watched videos. Also it depends exactly what you want. If you want hints on how to win at blitz and bullet online games, this is rather different to deep think classical.

However, I have found some useful hints from, of all places, gothamchess on some of the openings and various tactical things.
Overall though, the youtube chess types have a problem. The Botez types you mention are there just as actresses (mostly) who happen to be good club level chess players and have almost no value in learning. Then there are the others who are very good but analyze famous or great matches. Those are useful for certain things but won't get you to improve unless you happen to be a FM type player already.
But gothamchess does have some benefit in that he does discuss some of the common openings and actually gives good hints and tactics for real games. Now those videos are far less thorough than a teach in but are super useful for internet play and he teaches some gambits which are also fun to play if not strictly best chess. However I suspect you actually want to learn more classical chess type stuff and really solid ideas.

So if, lets say you are around 1200 and want to improve a lot, there is one choice for me which would be listening to the St Louis chess club teach ins of the kids they teach. Feingold and also a couple of other GM and IM's give good analysis and actually teach chess. Feingold is a great teacher as long as you can get past the banter (and the anti Trump politics - which I guess for some is a bonus)

If you are a 2000 player, I would say at this point you basically have to slog it out yourself. No internet site will give you what you need partly because so few people are 2000 rated relatively speaking, and partly because no person can make a living streaming videos for 2000 level elo people because they wont get views in the millions that you need to do so. Those people will be teaching in the chess clubs in person.

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