
Ben Finegold accuses Mark Plotkin of cheating -- on stream

What's even more shocking is that he blocks him immediately after on and bans him from his Twitch channel, I think immediately refuting all suggestions that it might have been a joke.
He literally says on video "so we'll have to block you / so how do we do that?" and then "there's no way to block... block!"
Oh yeah, I missed that. If he stopped there then it could have been brushed off as a bit of banter. But the 5 min rant is just pure salt.

It's funny to me that pays players to denigrate their own "superior" cheat detection.

"No matter how good thinks their detection system is, they're probably catching less than half the cheaters" - Ben Finegold - paid to play on not lichess. hahahaha
Is there a png somewhere? The game is too fast

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