
Ask Lichess Anything, October 11, 2021

Can you please make those marathons and weekly tournaments and all other important stuffs in Eastern-Time-Zone as well? Those tourneys start at midnight here, in the Eastern-Time-Zone, India. They are always in the Western-Time-Zone.
@laS08 said in #91:
> Can you please make those marathons and weekly tournaments and all other important stuffs in Eastern-Time-Zone as well? Those tourneys start at midnight here, in the Eastern-Time-Zone, India. They are always in the Western-Time-Zone.
yes i always want too play but my mom stops me from playing and asks me to sleep
@laS08 said in #91:
> Can you please make those marathons and weekly tournaments and all other important stuffs in Eastern-Time-Zone as well? Those tourneys start at midnight here, in the Eastern-Time-Zone, India. They are always in the Western-Time-Zone.
Marathons last 24 hours, dont they?
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Please give the point in swiss tourney's if opponent voilates lichess terms and conditions.
Why so many cheaters, that play the racing kings variant?

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