No desktop app, will require more coding and is just a general pain for lichess developers. Anyway, you have a browser.
@AmMuvArShAn @AnonymousChessKing @iampanther @pahujarakshi123 @Rishabhpant2006 @TheChessPlayer21 @VARSHANChEsS123 thanks for the help guys
Here is an app named
It is at PC
You should have a more descriptive title next time
@InkyDarkBird i agree
some active team name ??
The link for app is:
You can try opening the link in PC and if it doesn't open then PC doesn't support such type of applications.
The link for app is:
You can try opening the link in PC and if it doesn't open then PC doesn't support such type of applications.
There is an app for mobile and tab, but it has waaaaaaaay less features.
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