
All Games of Chess Should Be Draws!

No losers allowed!
I'm sure FIDE will agree with this!
Chess is a forced win for White
Just chess engine's are just too stupid too find it yet
All games should be draws. I keep telling that to Magnus, but he seems to find a way.
You are partly correct. FIDE has nothing to do with it. A properly played game ends in a draw. If one player wins, the other player must have made a mistake.
the only thing is, it is impossible to play perfect. I don't like tic tac toe cause if both players know basic it is always tie.
the advantage of white is 0.5 you'd think that's not quite enough to win if both sides play perfect , the amount of GM drawn games is probably testament to that .
If every game of chess ended in a draw, then what would be the point of playing anyways? It probably wouldn’t be fun to play a game where you know the outcome.
I'm really enjoying the responses to this thread. I think the vast majority (if not all) of the responders don't understand what I was implying. By the way, this thread was originally in "Off Topic" and was apparently moved to General Chess by a mod.
@rbhoopathi04 @rbhoopathi04 said in #5:
> the only thing is, it is impossible to play perfect. I don't like tic tac toe cause if both players know basic it is always tie.

Its a forces win for X

Step 1 - Play in Center

Step 2 -
If opponent plays in corner Corner play diagonal to your opponent's Corner in the opposite side and then next whatever they do you must find the forced win on one of the sides of the center

If Opponent plays in side of Middle just threaten win using a diagonal and then simple find the forced win.

Step 3 -
After Double attacking and getting a forced win actually win!!!

Whoever starts in most cases "X" will start they will win
Its Proven in the above cases that I found by myself but their not mine. Credit to IDK