
against the alapine d5 or Nf6?

Some opinions of the past... (Yes, I have a ton of old chess books.)

- Tarrasch in "The Game of Chess" said 2...P-Q4 !.
- MCO 11 said 2...P-Q4 !=.
- Horowitz in "Chess Openings: Theory and Practice" (1964), said
"The continuation 2. P-QB3 was preferred by Alekhine in his later years. Black has the choice of 2...P-Q4 or 2...N-KB3. Both lines are satisfactory but 2...N-KB3 is more subtle."

Wikibooks says...
2 ...d5 used to be the default response, and is still very playable for Black. After 3.exd5 then 3 ...Qxd5, giving Black fast central control and quicker development. Notably, White is unable to bring their knight to c3 as the square is occupied by the c pawn.

2 ...Nf6 has gained popularity. Although not as aggressive for Black, it allows for a more solid structure going into the midgame. The main line follows with 3. e5 Nd5 (3 ...Ne4 is a mistake, as it allows 4. d3, leading to capture of the knight).

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