
A nice composition with many theme and idea that I composed

Hello all, today I have composed another endgame, I hope you enjoy the endgame and have fun! Here is the link to the position:

White to draw, good luck
very good study indeed I would definitely recommend it
Better I say before:
I am not sure about that but the pattern is eerily similar to one of famous puzzle I saw in a video.
I will try finding the video and check how similar are the two.
@Akbar2thegreat There was once a endgame I composed which was composed by someone 2 years earlier, this can happen where a endgame of mine was already published.
In this case I reject my endgame and I can't publish it when someone did it before me
@Akbar2thegreat This is nothing new in study composition - it's called anticipation, when a composition has already been made (or its idea) by another composer. It's entirely accidental and if this happens to you, the best thing is to just not submit it to any competitions and leave it there.

@Ben2006Tor Excellent idea! The initial moves were decently simple, but the pawn push was pretty nice. The final stage was also pretty good.
But there have been cases of people copying other's puzzles intentionally before. Those should get reward who really discovered and not copied. Hence, there's no problem in submitting a study.
@Akbar2thegreat That's exactly the problem with "anticipation". You can never tell if it was copied. That's why people don't submit them into composing tournaments.

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