
A new version of the interface

I am slightly amazed that so many are up in arms over such a tiny change. I think I have used that menu at most 2-3 times during my time on lichess.
I change things around whenever I switch between computers ;). It took me all of 5 seconds to notice something was different with the menu and still make the same changes that I always make. Works for me.
I constantly use the menu "sound" and "change of shapes." I need quick access to them, why were they taken so far away? This is unreasonable. If you need to remove something, remove the hamburger!

And I still need fast access to my profile. Why not make one click access? Why do two? Why go into the menu and then open the profile, if you need it all the time?
It is not "that many". Consider the tousands of users who noticed it and did not feel the need to coment it at all. I actually like it.
Only thing I noticed is that the piece set submenu is the only place where there is no transparent background (but some weird dirty grey) when choosen a transparent theming.
But apart from that I like a minimalistic UI and do not mind an additional click for a setting I hardly ever use.
milliways Do you like when people suffer and experience discomfort?
If so, then everything is ok. The recent changes led to this.
Strictly spoken this could have been one gigantic menu, preserving the extra click. Mega Menus are a good thing:

@seanysean #10 one click can be very relevant. For example i have written myself autohotkeys for Scid so that i do not have to open the rightclick menu in Scid every time i want to promote/delete a variation. Often used things (which is probably not the case here) should have keyboard shortcuts or always visible buttons.
I certainly don't like if people try their amateurish rhetorical repertoire on me, cause I do not share their opinion. And usually I don't answer it. But I am in a good mood, so: I was just stating my opinion about the change. Nothing more and nothing less.
@Linnemann But in this case, it's not like a user will be changing the settings for the pieces once every couple minutes. However, I understand your point.

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