
A new beserking system - n% beserk

@SavageAntarctican You aren't allowed to go into bullet. Also, you can go all the way to -100% berserk until you hit 1/2+0
And; even though lichess is fast at banning trolls, they can still become a problem so might as well not give them weapons to troll.
“Evil is Evil. Lesser, greater, middling… Makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another… I’d rather not choose at all.” -Geralt of Rivia

Kind of berserk, full on berserk. It's all vulgar.
@TheThirdMouse let's say your in a 1+0 tournament and you just started. What if: you were able to reduce your time to 50s for a small point bonus. It would be possible here: with my system, if you reduced your time to 50s, yo uwould be doing a 26% beserk, so you would get 0.26 extra points. In 4 games, that would already amount to over a full point.

Similarly, 50% beserking worh my equation would give 42.4 s, and you would get 1 extra point every 2 games. It's worth it, no doubt.
It's a vulgar practice. Chess is 1 for win .5 for draw and 0 for loss. That's just common sense. using the option to berserk or having the feature to begin with is like working on a sunday
This isn't an issue for me because I don't play that format, the problem is with the people who do and the site that allows for it.

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