
6 man SYSYGY tables for sale on SSD

you dont have to download a lot of data tablebases.For 150 euros i can ship you all set 6 man tablebases on SSD SanDisk (very fast and stable SSD disks).Right ship to you with SSD.
i know its free but look if you have connection 0.5 mb/s how to download this.I can ship him full 6 man tablebases on SanDisk which is not bad SSD.
look i know its free and 150 euros ... but look on the price ssd disks too
Disk SSD costed 120 euro very fast SanDisk and i ship you for 150 Euro who cares,i earn 20 euros per 1 sale in even not postal costs ok i get 20 euro from 1 sale,do you unhapy whit this?
How many GB is the disk? And the tablebase?
It would take me about 85 hours to download that at home, and you can obtain those disks cheaper than I can, so your price is not unreasonable

I don't have any need for the tablebases though, and there's also the matter of trust

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