
Why do people keep falling for this Scandi trap ?

With this opening (up to move 6) I have 64% victories with Black. What's going on?

For some reason White's right moves are counterintuitive. For example, nobody ever plays 7.Be3.

Despite being objectively bad, Bc5 turns out to be strong, practically, for players around 2000 on lichess.

@esmiro said in #1:
> With this opening (up to move 6) I have 64% victories with Black. What's going on?
> For some reason White's right moves are counterintuitive. For example, nobody ever plays 7.Be3.
> Despite being objectively bad, Bc5 turns out to be strong, practically, for players around 2000 on lichess.

That first game is pretty crazy. Even if I'd never seen or played that line before, as white I'd think "hey, I better develop some pieces" instead of pushing another pawn (move 7 or even move 6).

I play scandi a lot but rarely the 2...Nf6 line. It looks like fun so maybe I'll start experimenting with it.
If White plays Bb5+ rather than c4 they're going to be just fine. But you'll be surprised by the number of people playing c4. Then, it's clear that they don't want to lose the pawn, and so everything will follow until exf7+.

Then, if White knows the line they will play Be3. But they almost never do. Most of the other moves give an advantage to Black, and strangely enough the king on f7 is rather safe.
White, on the other hand, has no time to develop bishop and knight and castle, since they'll be busy responding to direct threats.
@esmiro said in #1:
> With this opening (up to move 6) I have 64% victories with Black. What's going on?
> For some reason White's right moves are counterintuitive. For example, nobody ever plays 7.Be3.
> Despite being objectively bad, Bc5 turns out to be strong, practically, for players around 2000 on lichess.

I have never seen anyone play d4 right after capturing the pawn in the Scandinavian. That's a mistake right there. White didn't develop pieces. Be3 is natural when you don't have many good options. Nf3 isn’t that bad. White lost by their own. Nothing special.
@Akbar2thegreat said in #9:
> I have never seen anyone play d4 right after capturing the pawn in the Scandinavian. That's a mistake right there. White didn't develop pieces. Be3 is natural when you don't have many good options. Nf3 isn’t that bad. White lost by their own. Nothing special.

A rapid check of the database will teach you that 3.d4 is played rather often by strong players, and the fact that you, personally, have never seen it means rather little.

White's mistake was not d4 but rather d5 later on in the first game, and Nf3 in the second one.

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