
Training puzzle mega-frustration

Re okgo and puzzle

I share your frustration. I eventually "solved" it...after 3 attempts.

There's no mate. You end up winning a bishop after a tortuous variation that involves doubling rooks on the 7th and trading Q's.

A truly bizarre "puzzle" and not really worth the title IMO.

fg+ fg
Rf7+ Kg8
Rcc7 Be7
Qf1 Rf8
Rce7 Qe7
Re7 Rf1+
Kf1 Bc8

And that's the (ahem) solution. WTH?
Thanks for the reply! I was spending a lot of effort on the puzzles but noticed they started to change. First we had almost only checkmate puzzles, now we have these type of "machine" puzzles. I gave it away. Playing tournaments is more fun.

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