
some tips for a beginner in this game

thats the game ID. Im not sure what to do when my opponenet opens with pawns like that. im doing a kings indian defense for my first few moves.
It's dangerous to allow your opponent a free run in the center with his pawns so early. And incidentally, by the third move it's no longer the King's Indian.

You should play something like 3... d6 (to restrain his center a bit). That way if he plays 4 e5 you have 4... de 5 de Qxd1+ and your knight is no longer in such danger.

The engine advises 6... N4a6 instead of what you played, and (amazingly) does not give too big of an advantage to White. But that still looks like a dreadful position for Black to me; and at any rate, you shouldn't be spending too much time early on scurrying away from a big central pawn wall.

Your sixth move actually lost a piece--or should've; unfortunately for your opponent though, he didn't find 8 f4 (which would've won the knight), but put his queen in grave peril instead. Had you found the suggested 8... Nxf3+, you could've won it.
yea i started adding 3...d6 to protect my knight and its worked great
Puzzle storm is a fun way to help you spot tactics. The great move you missed on move 8 for example is the kind of thing that comes up in puzzle storm.
@MrPushwood said in #2:
> The engine advises 6... N4a6 instead of what you played, and (amazingly) does not give too big of an advantage to White.

I've played some games that way, not by choice... It is not a pleasant position for Black, but if you put some pawns in the 6th rank, after 3-4 moves it becomes difficult for White to defend their own pawns, too far from the still poorly developed pieces.
Move 3. Play d6. That inhibits white from pushing the pawn, because after the capture sequence, you just trade queens and then you can place your knight in the center of the board.

However, when you are getting attacked with pawn avalanches, what you have to do is to try to disrupt either the most forward part of the chain, or the base of it.

So for instance. 12. b4.
You can play e6. You can play c6. You can play c5, you can play a5. You can probably also play b5, though it gets more complex and you could probably not be able to manage that one yet.

But regardless, you are simultaneously attacking either the base or the front of the pawn chain (which is over extended, and trades and opening the game a bit exposes their weaknesses), and opening lines for your own pieces to come out.

Just try to make sure that the end result is you having a pawn chain or a 2 pawn islands as a minimum. Avoid ending with isolated pawns when destroying the enemy's pawn structures, though sometimes that is the price to pay, you will have to gauge that.
If you are going to end up with an isolated pawn, at least make sure the opponent also has the isolated pawn.

But destroy the overextended pawn chain. Sometimes you can even sacrifice a pawn for it, which will result on a double pawn for the opponent, usually you can take it back a few moves later or just blockade it.

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