
Rapid Game 2100 vs 1500

They can be lower player, beacuse they dont understand the position- they can be very good in tactics, but in strategical play they can suck.
At low level there is no strategical play. It's all decided by a blunder or a series of mistakes, as a result of overlooking simple tactics. If they are good tactically they will checkmate the opponent quickly and there is no way that the tactically bad player checkmates them.
Wow! I didn't expect to get so much advice! There are big gaps in my understanding of chess and this game happened to play (mostly) to my strengths. What is the name of the tactic on move 33 so I can practice it?
@HippieFromRome I think it is called "Deflection" or you can also call it "Removing the guard" (I am not sure, correct me if I am wrong)

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