
My opponent gave up. The computer subsequently found a strong defensive move. A good puzzel?

A blitz game. My opponent gave up after 24. Nd4: The computer found the strong answer 24. ... Q d5 The way to keep the advantage should have been 25. f6!! I am sure that would have been difficult for me in blitz. A nice tactic puzzle? Where could I ask this position to be a lichess tactic puzzel?

@Jochen-Wiesenstrasse I confess I'm wondering why did your opponent surrender? Or did he not see the move 24...Qd5 or, on the contrary, did he see the move 25. f6? :-)
@ujcn it was a 3 min blitz. He did not see Qd5. I did not see Qd5. It is not so easy to see. It is easy to see, if I say, "hey folks, is there something special?"
@Jochen-Wiesenstrasse #6 Looking at the position, I immediately thought: why did your opponent not move 24... Qd5? I would not have found the move 25. f6 at once, but I would have found it. I almost never play super blitz, and almost always only rapid. Believe me, this game is much more interesting.
@ujcn I totally agree, but online there are many cheaters, if you play slower than 3+0. How to win against a cheater: Make the game positional complicated with many possibilitys; nothing forcing; long game: In the endgame he will run out of time. But this is not real chess.
@Jochen-Wiesenstrasse #9
Why win a cheater? You need to write a report on the cheater. Despite the fact that I have been playing for a long time on the lychess portal, I have written no more than 5 reports. I received even fewer responses to confirm my doubts about the player's honesty. I think, for the sake of such inconvenience, you shouldn't deny yourself the pleasure of finding such moves as f6.

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