
Insane Combination Anand vs Kramnik

This would 100% be drawn. Most computer engines would have trouble with it honestly. I mean, give Magnus Carlsen two knights and a king against a king and two pawns and tell him to checkmate within 50 moves.
@paranoyaksabunu There may be winning lines but they are so hard to find. As I tokd, what the computer found at like depth 20 (on each move until the tablebase showed, I analysed until depth 20) led to a draw barely due to the 50 move rule. Anyways, it's hard to win like you said due to the fact that you'd need to play a near perfect Troitsky line endgame.
KNN vs. KP is one of the 5 basic checkmates. Players of the level of Anand and Kramnik know this by heart and can checkmate in a bullet game.
endgame ability is so so underappreciated. Anyone who learns their basic endgames will notice their technique in the opening and middlegame will also improve remarkably, their long term vision and planning ability will be top class, and they'd be able to beat anyone in this thread.
#16 Anand and Kramnik are still human last I checked. Anand resigned, so he felt sure Kramnik would convert the win.

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