
I ve Considered Myself as Strongest Mentalist , But

I ve played vey agressive and greedy here. Seeing an Illusional possibily to grab a pawn then a Knight, but in fact it's just wasting resources. How to Avoid such illusions in Game?
Work on realizing what your opponent can do. You probably thought in the game "he'll take my knight, then I'll take his." However, he doesn't have to take your knight (as you saw). If a move isn't forced, consider your opponent's other options as well, especially his forcing moves.

Also, more generally, when you think you see a tactic, try to prove yourself wrong, not right. If you try to prove yourself right, you may convince yourself that a tactic works when it doesn't. If you try to prove yourself wrong, you may discover why a tactic doesn't work, or if you can't find why it doesn't work, there's a good chance that it does.
The fact that you and your opponent managed to miss Qxd5-Nxd5 confounds me
@AsDaGo said in #2:
> Work on realizing what your opponent can do. You probably thought in the game "he'll take my knight, then I'll take his." However, he doesn't have to take your knight (as you saw). If a move isn't forced, consider your opponent's other options as well, especially his forcing moves.
> Also, more generally, when you think you see a tactic, try to prove yourself wrong, not right. If you try to prove yourself right, you may convince yourself that a tactic works when it doesn't. If you try to prove yourself wrong, you may discover why a tactic doesn't work, or if you can't find why it doesn't work, there's a good chance that it does.
very Useful Advice, I love it, but I mostly use that tactic due feel of time pressure, at the same time I feel like sonething not right
@Cordellius said in #3:
> The fact that you and your opponent managed to miss Qxd5-Nxd5 confounds me
Consider that as Mind Control, since I m Mentalist xD
"play it safe rather than trying to find an advantage. When the hypothetical advantage comes your way, take it. don't run behind the advantage if you're not sure."

that's what I tell myself in the back of my mind when there are positions like that
@CSKA_Moscou said in #6:
> "play it safe rather than trying to find an advantage. When the hypothetical advantage comes your way, take it. don't run behind the advantage if you're not sure."
> that's what I tell myself in the back of my mind when there are positions like that
True, hope I will fix that problem of Mine, I have to hurry in Life, that's why it appeared I think
@aVague said in #7:
> True, hope I will fix that problem of Mine, I have to hurry in Life, that's why it appeared I think

It rook me 1-2 years for that. But you can do it

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