
How to play with advantage(+2),Dutch Defence from this closed position

@lurarose do you mean the white rooks or the black rooks?
As for the black rooks, I see 4 possibilities:
1) Kd7, Bxh4, Q??, Rah8
2) Ra7, Bxh4, Rh7
3) Bf6, Qe7, o-o-o, Rh8, Rdg8
4) Ra6, Bf7, Rh6
I believe 4) is the better of those. The bishop is some good on f7 as it covers square h5. The rook can go to either h6 or g6. Black can double rooks on the h-file Rgh8 after Rh6. Sequence 4) does not depend on a bishop or queen move.
It certainly is better to first get the pieces ready and then sacrifice than the other way around.
In short I propose the sequence ...Ne7, ...Ng6, ...Be7, ...Nd7, ...Ndf8, ...Ra6, ...Bf7 and then strike with either ...Nxh4 or ...Bxh4
Everyone who thinks that SF doesn't understand fortresses just try to hold the position after 19th move for white against Stockfish. I saw many times on TCEC how positions that seemed to be clear fortresses after a lot of shuffling turned out to be won for the side with greater eval.
Stockfish has no clue after move 19 and wants to play Rc8 and Kf7. Anybody can win this against Stockfish just shuffle until move 150 when Stockfish resigns. I do not know about the other engines in TCEC, but Stockfish seems weak in closed positions. Carlsen has also said that most fortresses are not real. Anyway, human reasoning above spans like 10 moves, i.e. 20 ply, which overwhelms the engine.
Of course it doesn't want to sacrifice a piece when it can enjoy higher eval without that. But when 50-move rule comes closer, it'll see that not sacrificing piece is a 0 eval at depths of order 20, because the game is approaching a draw by 50-move rule. And sacrificing is not +2 but a bit smaller, say, +0.5, which is clearly more than 0, so it is a way to go. This behaviour is typical for pseudo-fortress positions for all engines. I'm not sure if this is a real fortress or not, but just want to point out that the fact SF has no clue when 50-move counter is at small value doesn't mean that the position is a draw. Otherwise it would be much easier to understand fortresses by engines, btw: just declare the game a draw if eval is (almost) not changing with depth.
@Wolfram_EP I did not say that the position after move 19 is a fortress, i said:

"Fish wants to play pawn to h3 and then exchanges his last N and black squared bishop against blockeurs on g3/h2, which is a well known type of fortress which computers dont understand."

Example (starting from #8):

This is most definitely a fortress. And as Stockfish gives around -2.75 here, it is safe to say he doesnt understand it.

Also, that a mistake by the defender may blew a fortress does not prove that it is no fortress.
And here is an example game against Stockfish level 8 starting with the position after move 19:

Correct play after move 19 would be to never allow this position before move 19. Black played too many pawn moves and did everything they could to close position:

5... b5 - just a questionable move. It's a pawn move, and also there are cases where in future you might need b5 square for a piece
7... a4?? (Just chill here, you've just lifted pressure off b4 square without any need or gain - white won't be threatening to capture at a5 for a long time)

Afterwards basically every pawn advance-move should be carefully considered as the position is already closed on a queen side and developing any kind of attack is going to be nigh impossible on one side of the board if position gets completely closed. White has a little less space, but defending against mentioned sacrifices should be an achievable task.
I think I found a way to win.
19...Ne7 20 Bh1 Ng6 21 Rh2 Be7 22 Nd2 Nd7 23 Qf2 Ndf8 24 Kg2 Nxh4+ 25 gxh4 Ng6 26 Rg1 Bxh4 27 Ng3 Bxg3 28 Qxg3 h4 29 Qe1 g3 30 Rh3 Bf7 31 Kf1 Nf8 32 Kg2 Bh5 33 Kf1 Bg4
Well done, @tpr, thats indeed a win for black. You bring your knight to g4 and i can not keep up a blockade on g2/h3. You have busted my defense line a second time!

But give me another try. Seems i have to prevent g3:

And wait. If you take on g3 i can keep a defender on g3. h2 is protected three times, so i can defend against tripling pieces on h. Looks draw to me.

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