
Highly accurate endgame?

So, I missed a lot of winning chances in this game, but that can happen on a clock (even a slow one of 10+8). What really surprised me though was the beautiful endgame we had for our level of play...and apparently Stockfish agreed! From move 37 onward, it reports no mistakes or inaccuracies! What do you guys think, was this a highly accurate endgame, or did the engine just give up?
It doesn't give up, it calculates from the draw position; first to see if either side could win from there and then to see if there's any major point deviation beyond a certain threshold leading up to the final position. If that analysis does not determine the threshold is reached then no alternative lines or recommendations are displayed, the engine then works backwards from the end of the game to the beginning. A more in depth analysis might reveal more about those moves, but such gaps are not entirely uncommon.

<Comment deleted by user>
Why did you play Bxd4?

But yes, the Rook endgame was theoretically drawn and you both did very well proving exactly that.

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