
Had to unlock my opponents king ,so as not to stalemate

@Testrider said in #10:
> Nice win, actually it took me a while to find a somewhat realistic stalemate in 1 so if anyone else is wondering I think 62. Qde7 (stalemate) could have seen the board if the winning side is not alert.
Actually it's move 48 queen can't take gift of rook on rank 7 at all
@SimonBirch said in #9:
> Thanks (I think) for response @dboing .

in the particular case of your game, as long as the black pawn could move, stalemate was not an issue. I might have been also talking to octopinky. sorry for the going wild there. I just saw an opportunity to express my views to others with similar quesitons.

The use of these threads is not really in helpdesk space, in my view. Maybe the feedback category might be. So, for me, I am not just answering about your game, but about the notions your raised. and It motivated me, to have this spark of dialog and not just my own self to talk to. so thanks. I hope if not you, others might read and find it a nice entertaining story or angle about stalemate problem.
Just found 52.Qc7, it would have been a nice way of getting rid of the Rook.

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