
Funny position: bishop holds a draw against two rooks

After I grossly blundered a winning position away, my opponent inadvertently gave me a chance to hold the game and we ended up like this:

White to move but there's nothing he can do.

UPD Apparently, I still messed it up and black had a chance, but the position in question is still a draw.
Thats very interesting and would make a neat little study or appears to be pretty unique I have been playing 30 years and have never seen it!
On move 59, you mean? Why does it matter, it's still a draw.
Yep, it's a known idea (I've seen it before). And yes, it is rather nice. :)
@porkqupine said in #4:
> On move 59, you mean? Why does it matter, it's still a draw.

Sure, here my opponent was 2300-2400 and something went terribly wrong in Blitz.

@Sarg0n still don't see your point. I should've played on so that there would've been a possiblity of me losing?
White could have played on. Like me in the given example. That’s why Black shouldn’t have jettisoned his b-pawn.
Ah. Fair enough, I guess. But what else was there to do? Black would've taken it anyway eventually.

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