
Does anyone want to analyse my game?

Here is the game:

I don't know much theory. I'm trying to learn Caro Kann and the Slav for black & The london system for white. My biggest issue right now is keeping focused but I felt like I kept my focus this game. I'm also reading Silmans Endgame & Bobby Fischer teaches chess while also doing a couple of puzzles a day, If I find time. I'm thankful for any respons.
Solid opening nothing strange happend until 9. Nf5 and black blundered his bishop. Game over.
Yep, you won. Easily. Not much to analyze.

If you're looking to get a real response, try posting a loss.
Analyse it using the Lucas Chess gui and than look at the elo performance graph. It should display two lines representing the performance of each player over the course of the game.
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