
Can someone analyze my game and tell me how I could have won?

If you are White,

1. Know your theory on the White side of Caro Kann to maximize your chances (actually this applies to Black too)

2. You went for an early queen exchange without understanding the dynamics of a queenless position. You are almost suggesting an intention to draw

If you are Black,

1. You didn't take advantage early enough White's tactical weakness. There's not that many. So accuracy is important here. Check the engine where the evaluation went from -1 to almost 0.

2. Towards the end you gave up your good bishop for his knight which further solidified the drawish nature of the positoon.

3. After the queen ttades, the resulting position has a high chance of being drawn.

Black missed his chances to convert into a win.

Also let's give White some credit. He did his part to salvage the game. So it's not all Black's fault. White tried too to reach a draw.