
FIDE adjusts its ratings to be more in line with Lichess

The heading gives it away. You should be more indirect, @Lichess

See the heading

"FIDE adjusts its ratings to be more in line with Lichess (not really)"
"[EDIT] April fools! While FIDE really did update its rating, it makes no mention of Lichess."

There was no need of this line, everybody knew from the beginning
"FIDE has been working tirelessly to align their own ratings to be closer to Lichess ratings."

OH MY GOD, I cannot believe this. I think lichess worked tirelessly to create this line
this is a work of art. cheers to the one who made this post. it's a genius mind.
@HindustaniPotter14 said in #51:
> The heading gives it away. You should be more indirect, @Lichess
> See the heading
> "FIDE adjusts its ratings to be more in line with Lichess (not really)"

"(not really)" is add after end day
So Ahmm... When am I getting my additional points for reading the whole blog?