
Should I report this?

I really comfused when reading does coments the worst comends was from cedur the best comend was from @F-35_Raptor and lichess actoully hiding somthing but its still secret for now. Like in chess com. theres no secrets they not hiding somthing so we shiold make post about lichess secrets. Alot of players playng in lichess but are they all players?
@Apogee2022 said in #43:
> I really comfused when reading does coments the worst comends was from cedur the best comend was from @F-35_Raptor and lichess actoully hiding somthing but its still secret for now. Like in chess com. theres no secrets they not hiding somthing so we shiold make post about lichess secrets. Alot of players playng in lichess but are they all players?

I really dont get what U meant can u clarify?
I mean are theres bots in lichess. Does bots are hiding as chess players and isnt geting banned i saw some of dem but dan they gone.
@Apogee2022 said in #45:
> I mean are theres bots in lichess.
Yes, there are bots on Lichess. They are labeled BOT so everyone knows.
> Does bots are hiding as chess players
Do you mean cheating?
> and isnt geting banned i saw some of dem but dan they gone.
If they're gone they are banned. Lichess is pretty swift with cheating actually!
@greenteakitten said in #47:
> Yes, there are bots on Lichess. They are labeled BOT so everyone knows.
> Do you mean cheating?
> If they're gone they are banned. Lichess is pretty swift with cheating actually!
You isnt get it they still in lichess but isnt playng and you cant chat them they from lichess so and they withaunt bot titul.
@Apogee2022 said in #46:
> And again the cedur start dislaiking

because you still can't express yourself properly
@Apogee2022 said in #50:
> can you just shut up?

No need to be rude. "The Cedur" has a point. Also, you are actually talking nonsense. What bots from Lichess? I think you must have a very over-active imagination because you are seeing things that frankly aren't there.
We do not allow any behavior or content that discriminates, mocks, or promotes hatred against any individual or group; or encourages others to do so

great rule let not judge people who do bad things cause if you judge them that is discrimination that sounds like the perfect rule to have I think if someone does something wrong people should discriminate against what they did to show others it is not okay otherwise you are protecting people doing bad things. If there are no consequences for doing bad things then others would do the same things. and the funny thing is I cannot give an example as it would be naming and shaming XD
So, instead of lichess communication, why not have freechess where anybody can talk however they like?
> Stalling/Leaving game
Does this apply to casual games too? I could spend all day reporting that, considering that there is no automatic way to insert the link to the game in the report.

Expecially in 360, I regularly need 3-4 attempts to find someone really intentioned to play. That includes opening resigners.